50+ All Vegetables Name Bengali to English

Are you searching for all vegetables name Bengali to English (সব সবজির নাম বাংলা থেকে ইংরেজি)? If you want to learn vegetables name in Bengali, read this article.

In this article, I will share the list of all vegetables name in English to Bengali. To help you learn all vegetables name English to Bengali easily, we have prepared a table below that contains vegetables name English to Bengali with pictures.

All Vegetables Name Bengali to English

List of all Vegetables Name Bengali to English | সব সবজির নাম বাংলা থেকে ইংরেজি

In this list, you will learn 50+ vegetables name in Bengali. 

S.No.Vegetable Name in BengaliImagesVegetable Name in English
1কাঁচা মরিচ Kamca maricaGreen chilli
2সবুজ উদ্ভিদ Sabuja udbhidaGreen Plantain
3কালে kaleKale
4কুন্দ্রী KundriIvy Gourd
5লেটুস LetusaLettuce
6লেবু LebuLemon
7মাসরুম MasarumaMushroom
8লুফা LuphaLuffa
9কারি পাত Kari pataCurry Leaf
10সরিষা সবুজ শাক Sarisa sabuja sakaMustard greens
11পুদিনা পাতা Pudina pataPeppermint
12মটরশুটি MatarasutiPea
13সাগুসদৃশ শস্য Sagusadrsa sasyaTapioca
14কদলী KadaliPlantain
15হলুদ HaludaTurmeric
16পুদিনা পাতা Pudina pataMint
17রাঙা আলু Rana aluYam
18ওলকপি olakapiTurnip
19ধুন্দুল DhundulaZucchini
20চাল কুমড়ো Cala kumaroAsh Gourd
21বীট BitaBeetroot
22শিম simaBeans
23করলা KaralaBitter Gourd
24বেঙ্গল ছোলা Bengala cholaBengal Gram
25লাউ LauBottle Gourd
26পাথুনি শাখ Pathuni sakhaCelery
27ক্যাপসিকাম KyapasikamaCapsicum
28গুচ্ছ বিনস Guccha binasaCluster Beans
29লঙ্কা LankaChilli
30কর্ন KarnaCorn
31ধনে পাতা Dhane pataCoriander
32সজনের ডাটা Sajanera dataDrum Stick
33ছোলা CholaCowpea
34লাউ LauGourd
35কাসুরি মেথি Kasuri methiFenugreek Leaf
Also Read: Vegetables Name In Sanskrit
36বাধাকপি BadhakapiCabbage
38ফুলকপি PhulakapiCauliflower
39গাজর GajaraCarrot
40শসা sasaCucumber
41আদা adaGinger
42রসুন RasunaGarlic
43পেয়াজ PeyajaOnion
44ঢেঁড়স dhemrasaLady Finger
45টমেটো ṬametoTomato
46আলু aluPotato
47মুলো MuloRaddish
48কুমড়ো KumaroPumpkin
49চিচিঙ্গা CicingaSnake gourd
50ঝিঙ্গা JhingaRidged gourd
51মিষ্টি আলু Misti aluSweet Potato
52পালং PalamSpinach

Wrapping Up

I hope you found this list of all vegetables name Bengali to English helpful. We will continue to update this table with more vegetable names in the future, so please bookmark this page to access the updated list of all vegetables name in bengali.

Please feel free to share this list of Bengali vegetables names in English with your friends and family.

We will also provide details about vegetable names in other languages in our upcoming articles. So, stay tuned with us for more information on vegetables names. Additionally, you can bookmark this website to learn vegetable names in different languages and easily access it anytime.

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