100+ Vegetables Names in Hindi And English with Pictures (100+ सब्जियों के नाम)

Vegetables names in Hindi and English (100+ सब्जियों के नाम). If you want to learn a variety of vegetable names with pictures, then this article is for you.

We have given a comprehensive list of vegetable names (सब्जियों के नाम) below that makes it easy to understand the name in easy ways.

Vegetables, which are typically low in fat and carbs but rich in fiber, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins, can be consumed raw or cooked, and they play a significant role in human nutrition. 

A recent study by Biodiversity International found that 1097 different vegetable species are cultivated in different parts of the world.

In this article, we have created a table that contains the vegetable names in English and Hindi with pictures. We have also shared the scientific name Of Vegetables in Hindi and English

Overall, you will gain complete information about vegetable names (sabjiyon ke naam).

We have also provided the vegetable name English to Hindi PDF below.

So, without further delay, let’s get started.

Vegetable Name in Hindi And English (Sabjiyon Ke Naam English aur Hindi Mein)

Explore this comprehensive list of 100 vegetables in English and Hindi and see how many vegetable names you know.

No.ImagesVegetable in EnglishVegetable in Hindi
7.Lettuceसलाद पत्ता
9.Broccoliहरी गोभी
12.Green beansशेम के फली, हरी शेम 
13.Bell pepper/Capsicumशिमला मिर्च
15.Zucchiniतुरई जैसी सब्जी
17.Butternut Squashबटरनट कद्दू
18.Sweet potatoशकरकंद
23.Cabbageबंद गोभी/पत्ता गोभी
24.Brussels sproutsबेबी गोभी
25.Kaleहरी पत्तेदार सब्जी
27.Artichokeहाथी चक
29.Leekहरा प्याज
30.Okra/Lady Fingerभिंडी
32.Green onionहरी प्याज
33.Bok choyचीनी पत्ता गोभी
34.Cilantroधनिया पत्ता
40.Mustard greensसरशो पत्ता
41.Swiss chardस्विस चार्ड
48.Bamboo shootsबांस की टहनी
49.Wild Spinachबथुआ
50.Kohlrabiबन्द गोभी
51.Elephant Foot Yamजिमीकंद
52.Lemon grass नींबू घास/लेमनग्रास
53.Water chestnutसिंघाड़ा
54.Lotus rootकमल ककड़ी
55.Daikon radishडाइकॉन मूली
56.Winter melon (Ash Gourd)पेठा / कोहड़ा
57.Taro rootकांदु/ कचालू
59.Bitter melonकरेला
60.Winged beanविंगड बीन
62.Snake gourdचिचिण्डा
63.Bottle gourdलौकी
64.Ridged gourdतोरी/ तुरई
65.Ivy gourdकुंदरू
66.Curry leavesकरी पत्ते
67.Pointed gourdपरवल
70.Apple gourdटिंडा
71.White Goosefootबथुआ 
72.Red Chilliलाल मिर्च
73.Green Chilliहरी मिर्च
74.Indian Gooseberryआंवला 
75.Natal Plumकरुन्दा
76.Colocasiaकांदु, कचालू, कांदा
77.Amaranth चौराई की सब्जी
78.Kidney Beans राजमा 
79.White Eggplantसफेद बैंगन
81.Raw Papaya कच्चा पपीता
85.Fava Beansफभा सेम
87.Purslaneकुलफा का शाक
88.Shallotछोटे प्याज़
89.Broad Beansबकला 
90.Cluster Beanग्वार की फली
91.Spine Gourdपड़ोरा/ कंटोला
92.French Beansफ्रेंच बिन्स
93.Raw Banana कच्चा केला
94.Arrowroot शिशुमूल/अरारोट
95.Chickpea Greens चने का साग
96.Raw banana flowerकच्चे केले का फूल
97.Water Spinachपानी पालक
98.Oreganoअजवायन की पत्तियां

10 Vegetable Name

Here’s a list of 10 common vegetable names:

Vegetable Names List

  1. Ash gourd
  2. Broccoli
  3. Potato
  4. Cabbage
  5. Capsicum
  6. Brinjal
  7. Tomato
  8. Onion
  9. Cauliflower
  10. Garlic
Vegetables Names in Hindi And English

Scientific Name Of Vegetables (Hindi and English)

In this section, I will share a list of 50+ Scientific Names and Families of Vegetables:

S.N.FamilyVegetables Name Hindi and EnglishScientific Names of Vegetables in Hindi and English
1‎AsparagaceaeAsparagus (शतावरी)Asparagus officinalis (शतावरी ऑफिसिनैलिस)
2CruciferaeBroccoli rabe (एक पालक जैसी सब्जी)Brassica rapus ruvogroup (ब्रैसिका रैपस रुवोग्रुप)
3CruciferaeBroccoli (हरी गोभी)Brassica oleracea italica group (ब्रैसिका ओलेरासिया इटालिका ग्रुप)
4CucurbitaceaeBitter Gourds (करेला)Momordica Charantia (मोमोर्डिका चारेंटिया)
5CucurbitaceaeCalabash (लौकी)Lagenaria siceraria (लगनेरिया सिसेरिया)
6CruciferaeCabbage (पत्ता गोभी)Brassica oleracea var. Capitata (ब्रासिका ओलेरेसिया वार कैपिटाटा)
7EuphorbiaceaeCassava (कसावा)Manihot esculenta (मैनिहोट एस्कुलेंटा)
8ApiaceaeCarrot (गाजर)Daucus carota subsp.sativus (डौकस कैरोटा सबस्प.सैटिवस)
9SolanaceaeChilli (मिर्च)Capsicum spp. (कैप्सिकम संगणक)
10CruciferaeCauliflower (फूलगोभी)Brassica oleracea (ब्रैसिका ओलेरासिया)
11AmaryllidaceaeChives (चाइव्स)Allium schoenoprasum (चाइव्स एलियम स्कोएनोप्रासम)
12CruciferaeChinese cabbage (चीनी गोभी)Brassica rapus chinesesis group (ब्रैसिका रैपस चाइनेसिस ग्रुप)
13CucurbitaceaeCoccinia (कुंदरू)Coccinia grandis Voigt,   Coccinia cordifolia,     Coccinia indica (कोकिनिया ग्रैंडिस वोइगट, कोकिनिया कॉर्डिफ़ोलिया, कोकिनिया इंडिका)
14Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Cluster bean (ग्वार फली)Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (सायमोप्सिस टेट्रागोनोलोबा)
15Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Common bean (कॉमन बीन, या बाकला)Phaseolus vulgaris (फ़ेज़ोलस वल्गेरिस)
16AraceaeColocasia / Taro (कांदु/ कचालू)Colocasia esculenta (कोलोकैसिया एस्कुलेंटा)
17Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)Coriander (धनिया)Coriandrum sativum (कोरिएंड्रम सैटिवुम)
18CucurbitaceaeCucumber (खीरा)Cucumis sativus (कुकुमिस सैटिवस)
19Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Cow pea (लोबिया)Vigna unguiculata (विग्ना अनगुइकुलाटा)
20RutaceaeCurry plant (Leaves) / (करी पत्ते)Murraya koenigii (मुर्राया कोइनीज़ी)
21MoringaceaeDrumstick (सहजन)Moringa oleifera (मोरिंगा ओलीफेरा)
22AraceaeElephant foot Yam (जिमीकंद)Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (अमोर्फोफैलस पेओनीफोलियस)
23SolanaceaeEggplant,Brinjal (बैंगन)Solanum melongena (सोलनम मेलोंगेना)
24AmaryllidaceaeGarlic (लहसुन)Allium sativum (एलियम सैटिवम)
25Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Hyacinth bean (जलकुंभी बीन)Lablab purpureus (लैबलैब पुरप्यूरियस)
26CucurbitaceaeHoney dew (Melon) (तरबूज)Cucumis melo कुकुमिस मेलो)
27MoraceaeJackfruit (कटहल)Artocarpus integra (आर्टोकार्पस इंटीग्रा)
28‎AsteraceaeLettuce (सलाद पत्ता)Lactuca sativa (लैक्टुका सैटिवा)
29‎Alliaceae Leek (हरा प्याज)Allium porrum (एलियम पोरम)
30Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Lima bean (लीमा सेम)Phaseolus limensis (फेजोलस लिमेंसिस)
31CucurbitaceaeLuffa (तोरई)Luffa aegyptiaca (लफ़ा एजिप्टियाका)
32LamiaceaeMint (पुदीना)Mentha arvensis (मेंथा अर्वेन्सिस)
33AmaryllidaceaeOnion (प्याज)Allium cepa (अल्लियम सेपा)
34MalvaceaeOkra,Lady Finger (भिंडी)Abelmoschus esculentus (एबेलमोस्कस एस्कुलेंटस)
35Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)Parsley (अजमोद)Petroselinum crispum (पेट्रोसेलिनम क्रिस्पम)
36CaricaceaePapaya (पपीता)Carica papaya (कैरिका पपाया)
37Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Peanut, Groundnut (मूंगफली)Arachis hypogaea (अरचिस हाइपोगिया)
38Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Pea (मटर)Pisum sativum (पीसम सैटिवम)
39CucurbitaceaePointed gourd (परवल)Trichosanthes dioica (ट्राइकोसैंथेस डियोइका)
40CucurbitaceaePumpkin (कद्दू)Cucurbita maxima (कुकर्बिटा मैक्सिमा)
41SolanaceaePotato (आलू)Solanum tubersum (सोलानम ट्यूबेरोसम)
42BrassicaceaeRutabaga (शलजम)Brassica napus (ब्रैसिका नेपस)
43Brassicaceae (Cruciferae)Radish (मूली)Raphanus sativus (राफानस सेटीवस)
44Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Soybean (सोयाबीन)Glycine max (ग्लाइसीन मैक्स)
45CucurbitaceaeSnake gourd (चिचिण्डा)Trichosanthes cucumerina (ट्राइकोसैंथेस कुकुमेरिना)
46CucurbitaceaeSpiny gourd (कंटोला)Momordica dioica (मोमोर्डिका डियोइका)
47AmaranthaceaeSpinach (पालक)Spinacia oleracea (स्पिनेशिया ओलेरासिया)
48CruciferaeTurnip (शलजम)Brassica rapus (ब्रैसिका नेपस)
49SolanaceaeTomato (टमाटर)Solanum lycopersicum L. (सोलनम लाइकोपर्सिकम एल.)
50CucurbitaceaeWax gourd (सफेद पेठा)Benincasa hispida (बेनिनकासा हिस्पिडा)
51CucurbitaceaeWatermelon (तरबूज)Citrullus lanatus (सिट्रुलस लैनाटस)
52ApiaceaeWild carrot (जंगली गाजर)Daucus carota (डौकस कैरोटा)
53AmaryllidaceaeWelsh onion (हरी प्याज)Allium fistulosum (एलियम फिस्टुलोसम)
54Fabaceae (Leguminosae)Winged bean (विंग्ड बीन)Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus (सोफोकार्पस टेट्रागोनोलोबस)
55DioscoreaceaeWild yam (जंगली जिमीकंद, सूरन)Dioscorea villosa (डायोस्कोरिया विलोसा)

Vegetables Name In English and Hindi With Pictures PDF

We understand that many people don’t have access to the internet all the time, so that’s why we have provided the vegetables name PDF below, which you can download with one click.

100 Vegetables Name with Pictures in English

100 Vegetables Name with Pictures in English
Vegetable names and images

Different Vegetables Name with Images

यह भी पढ़ें: 100 सब्जियों के नाम हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में – (हिंदी भाषा में अनुवाद)

Green Vegetables Names

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Ladyfinger
  • Green Beans
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • Mint
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Bitter Gourd
  • Spring Onion
  • Green Chillies
  • Peas
  • Zucchini

White Vegetables Name

  • Garlic
  • Cauliflower
  • White Leek
  • Raddish
  • Mushrooms
  • Kohlrabi
  • Lumina Pumpkin
  • White Asparagus
  • White Onions
  • White Potatoes

Yellow Vegetables Name

  • Yellow Beets
  • Carrots
  • Yellow Peppers
  • Butternut Squash
  • Yellow Potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Yellow Summer Squash
  • Rutabagas
  • Sweet Corn
  • Yellow Tomatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Yellow Winter Squash

Red Vegetables Name

  • Red cabbage
  • Red Leaf Lettuce
  • Red Swiss Chard
  • Red Spinach
  • Radicchio
  • Beet Greens
  • Red Amaranth
  • Red Pak Choi
  • Red Mizuna
  • Red Kale
  • Red Tatsoi
  • Red Sorrel

Purple Vegetables Name

  • Purple Cabbage
  • Purple Kale
  • Radicchio
  • Purple amaranth
  • Purple basil
  • Purple kohlrabi
Also Read: Vegetables Name In Sanskrit

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

What are the 10 most popular vegetable?

Here’s a list of the top 10 most popular vegetables:

1. Potato
2. Carrots
3. Onions
4. Tomato
5. Mushroom
6. Broccoli
7. Pumpkin
8. Capsicum
9. Zucchini
10. Lettuce

What are the types of vegetables?

Following are the different types of vegetables:

1. Root 
2. Leafy Green
3. Allium 
4. Marrow 
5. Edible Plant Stem 
6. Cruciferous 

Which Vegetable is Called the King of Vegetables?

Brinjal is considered the king of vegetables due to its purple colour and high nutritional value.

Which vegetables are superfoods?

Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, radishes, collard greens, kohlrabi, kale, mustard greens, and turnips are some of the vegetables considered as superfoods.

Which vegetables should you eat every day?

Here is a list of the vegetables that should you eat every day:
1. Spinach
2. Radish
3. Broccoli
4 Kale
5. Carrots
6. Brussel Sprouts
7. Cabbage
8. Beets


So, friends, we have come to the end of this blog. Here, we have shared a hundred vegetables name Hindi and English with pictures in a table format.

Additionally, we have attached a vegetables name English to Hindi PDF that you can easily download and access, even without an internet connection. 

We will continue to update this article with more vegetable names in the future, so please bookmark this page to access the updated list of vegetables.

We have provided and will also provide a list of vegetable names in other languages in our existing and upcoming articles. So, stay tuned with us for more articles on vegetables names

Additionally, you can bookmark this website to learn vegetable names in different languages and easily access it at any time.

If you like this post, don’t forget to share it with your family and friends.

Thanks for Reading.

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